The King's Hammer Toolbox


We ignite hope, foster growth, and impart life skills, providing purpose and opportunity for a better tomorrow.


Working together,  we see lives transformed by the gospel as we complete construction projects meeting practical needs.

According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it…

1 Corinthians 3:10

Our Ministry

THE KING’S HAMMER is a gospel-oriented organization that connects the requirements of construction with ministry opportunities. We utilize our skills, resources, and passion to inspire hope, promote growth, and teach life skills to the individuals and communities we serve, enabling them to discover God’s purpose for their lives and creating pathways for a brighter future.

We achieve this by forming teams of skilled craftsmen who collaborate with our partners, both locally and internationally, to change lives through the message of the gospel. We recruit men from diverse trades who are passionate about the gospel and eager to assist those in need.

The King's Hammer Mission Field
The King's Hammer Mission Field
The King's Hammer Mission Field

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

Colossians 3:23



Special Teams Formation

Teams are chosen based on skill set, experience, availability and desire to pour into others what they have learned both in trade and life.  Mission related briefings and field training will take place stateside once the project funding has begun. With the proper planning in place, teams with be called upon to respond quickly once the project window opens and logistics are in place.

Master Chief

Spiritual Point Man

Asset with a minimum Tier 2 status with an additional 5-10 years in the ministry, responsible for the spiritual well-being of the team as well as gospel engagement and presentation throughout the trip.

Tier 1 Operator

Project Point Man

Asset with 20+ years in his trade with additional skill set, such as a second language, medical certification, military background (i.e., training/situational awareness/overwatch)

Tier 2 Operator

Support Member

Asset with 10–20 years in his trade and/or multiple trade skills. Having the ability to lead when Tier 1 is otherwise engaged.

Tier 3 Operator

Support Member

Asset with less than 10 years in his trade and/or any amount of general construction experience. This individual may also be an untrained son of a traveling operator.

Our Process

The King's Hammer Mission Field


Ministry partners reach out requesting assistance with a need,  prompting an initial meeting to determine urgency, location and scope of the work to be accomplished.

The King's Hammer Mission Field


Once the need has been identified we will move into the planning/logistics phase of the endeavor. During this phase, we will begin organizing details like layout and design, materials and tool requirements/ availability. This will allow us to develop overall project costs. Additionally, we will determine in country  transportation, interpreters, lodging, dining and free time options.

Teams will be selected and assembled at this time.

The King's Hammer Mission Field


Project funding will commence once all of the associated costs have been identified and the source of the funding has been established. Funding will typically come through the local church or supporters of the ministry partner.

Team funding will begin once all travel expenses have been established and a timeline has been determined.

Team operators will be responsible for their own funding.

The King's Hammer Mission Field


 This will include, materials procurement/staging, and tool allocation/storage.

Any site preparations including demolition and required prearrival construction will be established and commenced once the project window is established.

Our Partners

Global Missions 365

Global Missions 365 is an evangelistic, non-profit organization THAT ministers internationally to others by bringing the eternal hope of Jesus Christ and the here-and-now physical resources to the unreached, underprivileged, and the persecuted.

Their mission is to share the gospel, train believers, and strategically position leaders to multiply God’s Kingdom. As you partner with Global Missions 365, we will assist you in expanding your Christ-honoring, global mission capabilities. Together, we are spreading the gospel cross-culturally, training leaders, planting churches, distributing Bible translations into hard-to-reach people groups, caring for children in distress, and supporting believers in restricted and/or hostile circumstances.

Echo Ranch Bible Camp

Since 1964, Echo Ranch Bible Camp, the premier summer camp of southeast Alaska, has been striving to echo God’s glory for everyone who comes around Echo Cove, whether for an afternoon or for a whole summer. It’s here that hundreds of kids every year have the best weeks of their summers, make lifelong friends, and discover and connect with the God who loves them.

Hands & Feet Project

Hands & Feet Project began as a children’s village in 2004 near Jacmel, Haiti and has grown to serve multiple regions within the country.

Our mission is to be the hands and feet of Christ fighting for the cause of vulnerable children, their families, and their communities.

Our Projects

The King's Hammer - Missions

Dominican Republic

Church plant and construction

Construction of a village church in Boca Chica

The King's Hammer - Missions

Echo Ranch Bible Camp

Staff and Volunteer Housing Construction

Construction projects ranging from storage buildings, to electrical work and tile installation for staff housing over the past 3 years.

The King's Hammer - Missions

Cap-Haitien, Haiti

Upcoming Project in 2025

The King’s Hammer and The Hands and Feet Project are currently coordinating a trip for early 2025. This trip will come alongside the local Bureau for the Protection of Minors (BPM) and renovate an existing holding and shelter facility. Our team members will be working with vulnerable street boys to share Christ and teach them valuable construction skills that can help them in the future.

How You Can Help

Getting Involved


Become an Operator

If you are a tradesman and would like to see how God can use your skills for kingdom work, click the button below and complete the application. One of our onboarding team members will reach out to you for an interview shortly.


Pray for our Partners and Teams

Prayer is the unseen cover of protection for our teams on the ground, and the fuel that brings the necessary provision for our partners and the projects we are tasked to accomplish.


Teams Support

As our teams are assembled at the church level, would you consider financially supporting the men that are choosing to willingly leave family and profession to invest in our partners and the local communities they will serve.

The King's Hammer - Missions
The King's Hammer - Missions
The King's Hammer - Missions
The King's Hammer - Missions

Contact Us

The King's Hammer - Mission




Nashville, Tennessee


According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it…

1 Corinthians 3:10

The King's Hammer Toolbox


We ignite hope, foster growth, and impart life skills, providing purpose and opportunity for a better tomorrow.


Working together,  we see lives transformed by the gospel as we complete construction projects meeting practical needs.

Our Ministry

THE KING’S HAMMER is a gospel-oriented organization that connects the requirements of construction with ministry opportunities. We utilize our skills, resources, and passsion to inspire hope, promote growth, and teach life skills to the individuals and communties we serve, enabling them to discover God’s purpose for their lives and creating pathways for a brighter future.

We achieve this by forming teams of skilled craftsmen who collaborate with our partners, both locally and internationally, to change lives through the message of the gospel. We recruit men from diverse trades who are passionate about the gospel and eager to assist those in need.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

Colossians 3:23


Special Teams Formation

Teams are chosen based on skill set, experience, availability and desire to pour into others what they have learned both in trade and life.  Mission related briefings and field training will take place stateside once the project funding has begun. With the proper planning in place, teams with be called upon to respond quickly once the project window opens and logistics are in place.

Master Chief

Spiritual Point Man

Asset with a minimum Tier 2 status with an additional 5-10 years in the ministry, responsible for the spiritual well-being of the team as well as gospel engagement and presentation throughout the trip.

Tier 1 Operator

Project Point Man

Asset with 20+ years in his trade with additional skill set, such as a second language, medical certification, military background (i.e., training/situational awareness/overwatch)

Tier 2 Operator

Support Member

Asset with 10–20 years in his trade and/or multiple trade skills. Having the ability to lead when Tier 1 is otherwise engaged.

Tier 3 Operator

Support Member

Asset with less than 10 years in his trade and/or any amount of general construction experience. This individual may also be an untrained son of a traveling operator.

Our Partners

Global Missions 365 is an evangelistic, non-profit organization THAT ministers internationally to others by bringing the eternal hope of Jesus Christ and the here-and-now physical resources to the unreached, underprivileged, and the persecuted.

Their mission is to share the gospel, train believers, and strategically position leaders to multiply God’s Kingdom. As you partner with Global Missions 365, we will assist you in expanding your Christ-honoring, global mission capabilities. Together, we are spreading the gospel cross-culturally, training leaders, planting churches, distributing Bible translations into hard-to-reach people groups, caring for children in distress, and supporting believers in restricted and/or hostile circumstances.

Since 1964, Echo Ranch Bible Camp, the premier summer camp of southeast Alaska, has been striving to echo God’s glory for everyone who comes around Echo Cove, whether for an afternoon or for a whole summer. It’s here that hundreds of kids every year have the best weeks of their summers, make lifelong friends, and discover and connect with the God who loves them.

Hands & Feet Project began as a children’s village in 2004 near Jacmel, Haiti and has grown to serve multiple regions within the country.

Our mission is to be the hands and feet of Christ fighting for the cause of vulnerable children, their families, and their communities.

Our Process


Ministry partners reach out to requesting assistance with a need,  prompting an initial meeting to determine urgency, location and scope of the work to be accomplished.


Once the need has been identified we will move into the planning/logistics phase of the endeavor. During this phase, we will begin organizing details like layout and design, materials and tool requirements/ availability. This will allow us to develop overall project costs. Additionally, we will determine in country  transportation, interpreters, lodging, dining and free time options.

Teams will be selected and assembled at this time.


Project funding will commence once all of the associated costs have been identified and the source of the funding has been established. Funding will typically come through the local church or supporters of the ministry partner.

Team funding will begin once all travel expenses have been established and a timeline has been determined.

Team operators will be responsible for their own funding.


This will include, materials procurement/ staging, and tool allocation/ storage.

Any site preparations including demolition and required prearrival construction will be established and commenced once the project window is established.


Our Projects

Dominican Republic

Church Plant and construction of a village church in Boca Chica

Echo Ranch Bible Camp

Staff and Volunteer Housing Construction

Construction projects ranging from storage buildings, to electrical work and tile installation for staff housing over the past 3 years.

Cap-Haitien, Haiti

Upcoming Project in 2025

The King’s Hammer and The Hands and Feet Project are currently coordinating a trip for early 2025. This trip will come alongside the local Bureau for the Protection of Minors (BPM) and renovate an existing holding and shelter facility. Our team members will be working with vulnerable street boys to share Christ and teach them valuable construction skills that can help them in the future.

How You Can Help

Getting Involved


Become an Operator

If you are a tradesman and would like to see how God can use your skills for kingdom work, click the button below and fill out our form. One of our onboarding team members will reach out to you shortly for an interview.


Pray for our Partners and Teams

Prayer is the unseen cover of protection for our teams on the ground, and the fuel that brings the necessary provision for our partners and the projects we are tasked to accomplish.


Teams Support

As our teams are assembled at the church level, would you consider financially supporting the men that are choosing to willingly leave family and profession to invest in our partners and the local communities they will serve.

Is He calling you?




Nashville, Tennessee



According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it…

1 Corinthians 3:10


We inginte hope, foster growth, and impart life skills, providing purpose and opportunity for a better tomorrow.


Working together,  we see lives transformed by the gospel as we complete construction projects meeting practical needs.

Our Ministry

THE KING’S HAMMER is a gospel-driven organization, bridging the gap between construction needs and ministry opportunities. We deploy our expertise, resources, and passion to ignite hope, foster growth, and impart life skills to the individuals and communities we serve, helping them encounter God’s purpose for their lives and giving them the opportunity for a different future.

We do this by assembling teams of skilled craftsmen working together with our partners both locally and globally to transform lives by sharing the gospel. We enlist men of all trades with a passion for the gospel, desiring to help others in need.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

Colossians 3:23


Special Teams Formation

Teams are chosen based on skill set, experience, availability and desire to pour into others what they have learned both in trade and life.  Mission related briefings and field training will take place stateside once the project funding has begun. With the proper planning in place, teams with be called upon to respond quickly once the project window opens and logistics are in place.

Master Chief

Spiritual Point Man

Asset with a minimum Tier 2 status with an additional 5-10 years in the ministry, responsible for the spiritual well-being of the team as well as gospel engagement and presentation throughout the trip.

Tier 1 Operator

Project Point Man

Asset with 20+ years in his trade with additional skill set, such as a second language, medical certification, military background (i.e., training/situational awareness/overwatch)

Tier 2 Operator

Support Member

Asset with 10–20 years in his trade and/or multiple trade skills. Having the ability to lead when Tier 1 is otherwise engaged.

Tier 3 Operator

Support Member

Asset with less than 10 years in his trade and/or any amount of general construction experience. This individual may also be an untrained son of a traveling operator.

Our Process


Ministry partners reach out to requesting assistance with a need,  prompting an initial meeting to determine urgency, location and scope of the work to be accomplished.


Once the need has been identified we will move into the planning/logistics phase of the endeavor. During this phase, we will begin organizing details like layout and design, materials and tool requirements/ availability. This will allow us to develop overall project costs. Additionally, we will determine in country  transportation, interpreters, lodging, dining and free time options.

Teams will be selected and assembled at this time.


Project funding will commence once all of the associated costs have been identified and the source of the funding has been established. Funding will typically come through the local church or supporters of the ministry partner.

Team funding will begin once all travel expenses have been established and a timeline has been determined.

Team operators will be responsible for their own funding.


This will include, materials procurement/ staging, and tool allocation/ storage.

Any site preparations including demolition and required prearrival construction will be established and commenced once the project window is established.


Our Partners

Global Missions 365 is an evangelistic, non-profit organization THAT ministers internationally to others by bringing the eternal hope of Jesus Christ and the here-and-now physical resources to the unreached, underprivileged, and the persecuted.

Their mission is to share the gospel, train believers, and strategically position leaders to multiply God’s Kingdom. As you partner with Global Missions 365, we will assist you in expanding your Christ-honoring, global mission capabilities. Together, we are spreading the gospel cross-culturally, training leaders, planting churches, distributing Bible translations into hard-to-reach people groups, caring for children in distress, and supporting believers in restricted and/or hostile circumstances.

Since 1964, Echo Ranch Bible Camp, the premier summer camp of southeast Alaska, has been striving to echo God’s glory for everyone who comes around Echo Cove, whether for an afternoon or for a whole summer. It’s here that hundreds of kids every year have the best weeks of their summers, make lifelong friends, and discover and connect with the God who loves them.

Hands & Feet Project began as a children’s village in 2004 near Jacmel, Haiti and has grown to serve multiple regions within the country.

Our mission is to be the hands and feet of Christ fighting for the cause of vulnerable children, their families, and their communities.

Our Projects

Dominican Republic

Church Plant and Construction

Construction of a village church in Boca Chica

Echo Ranch Bible Camp

Staff and Volunteer Housing Construction

Construction projects ranging from storage buildings, to electrical work and tile installation for staff housing over the past 3 years.

Cap-Haitien, Haiti

Upcoming Project in 2025

The King’s Hammer and The Hands and Feet Project are currently coordinating a trip for early 2025. This trip will come alongside the local Bureau for the Protection of Minors (BPM) and renovate an existing holding and shelter facility. Our teammembers will be working with vulnerable street boys to share Christ and teach them valuable construction skills that can help them in the future.

How You Can Help

Getting Involved


Become an Operator

If you are a tradesman and would like to see how God can use your skills for His kingdom, click the button below and complete the application. One of our onboarding team members will reach out to you for an interview shortly.


Pray for our Partners and Teams

Prayer is the unseen cover of protection for our teams on the ground, and the fuel that brings the necessary provision for our partners and the projects we are tasked to accomplish.


Teams Support

As our teams are assembled at the church level, would you consider financially supporting the men that are choosing to willingly leave family and profession to invest in our partners and the local communities they will serve.

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Contact Us